With the increasingly stringent air pollutant emission standards, the market demand for pure battery-powered ships and hybrid ships with li-ion batteries as propulsion power will increase. These two types of ships generally use lithium batteries as the main power source. Lithium batteries have high capacity per ship, and most of the electrolytes of lithium batteries are organic flammables, which may threaten the safety of ships due to thermal runaway during use.
Therefore, at the beginning of ship design, attention should be paid to the layout and electrical equipment configuration of the lithium battery compartment (the compartment where the lithium battery is installed on the ship, and follow the different requirements of different classification societies for the layout and electrical equipment configuration of the ship's lithium battery compartment. Common ones are China Classification Society (CCS) and Det Norske Veritas (DNV). From the perspective of electrical design, the requirements of CCS and DNV classification societies for the arrangement and electrical equipment configuration of lithium battery compartments are compared. There are big differences in the battery capacity limitation, the layout and configuration of the battery box in the cabin, and the division of hazardous areas, and the requirements for the configuration of sensors and the configuration of other electrical equipment are similar.